
An International Workshop titled ?Measuring the Impact on Interfaces and Developing Tools for Capacity Building? will be held on 09 ? 10 May 2019.

Within the scope of the Innovative Interface Structures (YAY) Platform Project carried out by Marmara University and supported by Istanbul Development Agency (ISTKA), an International Workshop titled "Measuring the Impact in Interfaces and Developing Tools for Capacity Building" will be held on 09-10 May 2019.

The following experts with international experience in R&D and innovation will attend the workshop, which will be hosted by the Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SUNUM) in Istanbul:

- Michel Morant - Founding President of ASTP-Proton NAAC, Liege University. Gesval Director

- Dr.Tiam-Lin Sze - Singapore IPI Director

- Cengiz Tarhan - University College London UCLB Founding Director, Consultant

In this meeting, where TGB and TTO executives are invited, it is aimed to exchange views on capacity building tools for Interface Institutions in our country.




10:00 – 10:15 Opening Speech - Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar, Rector of Marmara University

SESSION 1 – General Comparison of Interfaces in National and International Ecosystems

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Şirin TEKİNAY, Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Faculty Member, President of the Global Engineering Deans Council (GDEDC)

10:15 – 11:00 YAY Project Introduction and Expectations

                           -Prof. Dr. Ahu ALTINKUT UNCUOGLU,

                           Marmara University Engineering Faculty Deputy Dean, MİTTO Headquarters Manager and YAY Project Coordinator

11:00 – 11:30 Technology Transfer and Knowledge Transfer in the International Ecosystem

                          -Prof. Dr. Fazilet VARDAR SUKAN,

                           EPO Academy Advisory Board Member, Sabancı University PRESENTATION Director, ÜSİMP Executive Board Vice President

11:30 – 12:00 TÜBİTAK-Target and Performance Oriented TTO Support Model

                           -Dr. Alp Eren YURTSEVEN

                            TEMEG Group Coordinator, Technology and Innovation Support Programs Presidency

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Break


SESSION 2 – Performance Measurement Criteria of Interface Structures in International Perspective

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Semih BİLGEN, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Istanbul Okan University

13:00 – 14:00 KPIs used for Assessing Technology Transfer - What do they mean?

                           - Michel Morant,

                           CEO of University-Industry Liaison Office of the University of Liege, Managing Director of Gesval (the company owned by ULg for Technology Transfer and spin off creation), the co-CEO of Spinventure

14:00 – 15:00 Research impact Framework (REF) and the UK Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF)

                           -Cengiz TARHAN,

                             Founder and Former Managing Director of UCLB (University of College London Business), Freelance Consultant, Tarhan Associates

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break

15:30 – 16:30 Metrics and Capacity Assessment of Interface Organizations in the Far East

                            -Dr. Tiam-Lin SZE

                             Senior Director, IPI (Intellectual Property Intermediary), Singapore

16:30 – 17:00 General Evaluation



SESSION 3 – PANEL: Harmonization of the Strategic Purposes of Interface Structures and Performance Measurement Criteria in International Perspective

Panel Chair: Dr. Faculty Member Ayşe Cilacı TOMBUS, Advisor to the Rector of Maltepe University, Maya TTO A.Ş. board member

10:00 – 12:00

                      -Michel MORANT, CEO of University-Industry Liaison Office of the University of Liege, Managing Director of Gesval, (the company owned by ULg for Technology Transfer and spin off creation), the co-CEO of Spinventure

                      -Dr. Tiam-Lin SZE-Senior Director, IPI (Intellectual Property Intermediary), Singapore

                     -Cengiz TARHAN, Founder and Former Managing Director of UCLB (University of College London Business), Freelance Consultant, Tarhan Associates

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch Break


4th SESSION – Studies and Targets for Capacity Building on a National Scale

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Ergül BERBER, Vice Rector of Istanbul Arel University

13:30 – 14:00 Capacity Determination and Improvement Studies of TTOs (TTH Project)

                            -Dr. Mete ÇAKMAKÇI, Secretary General of TTGV

14:00 – 14:30 Determination of the Current Status of TTOs and Qualified Human Resources Development Studies (UTTP)

                           -Assoc. Dr. Deniz TUNÇALP, TGBD (Technology Development Zones Association) Board Member, General Manager of ITU ARI Teknokent

14:30 – 15:00 Suggestion for Increasing the Capacity of TDZs as an Interface