Target Groups / Final Beneficiaries

Target Groups

The target groups of the project are the interface structures that exist in the innovation ecosystem of our country and specifically in the Istanbul Region and are designed to serve different users. Target groups; organizations that will be directly and positively affected by the project within the framework of the project's objectives. Among these organizations:

  • Interface organizations between university TTOs that intend to implement or learn the Key Account Manager skill,
  • Enterprises in the Istanbul Region, which continue their activities in critical technologies and are willing to develop their R&D competencies through university-industry collaboration and self-assessment,
  • Different Umbrella Organizations, such as technoparks, organized industrial sites, industrial unions, which include enterprises that are keen to use new technologies,
  • There are technology transfer experts who take part in the interface structures and contribute to the technology commercialization processes in Turkey at different stages.

Final Beneficiaries

While the main beneficiary of the project is the interface structures, the final beneficiaries of the project are the companies that are keen to use new technologies that will benefit from these structures and are role models for innovation-based transformation. In addition to these, this professional group in the Istanbul Region is among the final beneficiaries, as technology transfer experts working in interface structures will also contribute to their professional development.


target grup